Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Unlike ee cummings, there's going to be some ground rules for postings here. Nothing repressive or inhibitive, just a few things to make the site look uniform.
This applies to posters only, not to those who care to visit the site and leave comments. Offenders will be subject to a loud dose of onomatopoea.

1. Remember to fully categorize each story submitted, using the Multiple Categories option near the title. This includes author, form, and genre.
2. The general rule for posting is if your writing is longer than a short-form poem or paragraph, insert the first paragraph in the entry body and the remainder of the text in the Extended Entry section. This will allow readers to skip past EXTREMMELY long entries to get to what they wish to read.
3. For the most part, I'd prefer it if frequent profanity/erotic/adult content were kept to a minimum. I know most consider it as art, and on a creative level, it may give the author a unique form of expression. However, I would suggest that its overuse detracts from the finished product and the goal of this blog, and thusits use is implicitly discouraged.
4. For all intensive purposes, this is a fiction blog. Opinion is what the rest of the blogosphere is about. Keep it outside of the realms of reality, if you can. Critique belongs in the comments.

Hopefully, these won't discourage anyone from volunteering. There's a lot of gray matter left unused out there.. and hopefully this will allow blogizens to use more of it and give people impetus to use their imaginations and share them with others a little.

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